April 11th: The Walker in the Wood

I know it isn't actually the 11th, that technically I'm cheating. I've decided to use old poems I have written over the last few months to populate the days I missed. Guilty, but only a little bit.

I have discovered for myself, that if a rule I make doesn't help me achieve what the rule was set out to do, question the rule. Break the rule.

And now, for your reading pleasure, the past.

The Walker in the Wood

My feet know where to go, though my head I leave behind
a treasure lost at the bottom of the world

The path is icy, early November
the light between the stark branches
like an elegant lady of a manor house
floating, distant
a shard of warmth falls upon my cheek,

and in that moment my chest can expand

my feet know the path
and like grim foot soldiers they lead me in
into that wood

Early in the week my lifeboat was turned over,
and marooned I went flailing about
saltwater laden legs, leaded ballast
anchored in “will not let go!”
like tantrum-prone children
their sibling arms and spine join in

will not, will not
will, none
no breath to answer
on I go

deeper in the colors expand
to shouts of orange and red and yellow
my chest feels brighter for that instant
and with renewed air my thoughts wind back to fix, fix fix
then despair

feet stop, command
just walk
be the Walker in the Wood


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