Day Four: Dominos

My parents love to play dominos and my mother is particularly good at it as well, my dad in fact is always commenting on the fact that he can’t seem to ever beat her and I really miss those times that I have together with them, just us, playing dominos which is very very good for doing calculations and I have never been good at math I seem to do better with words but here I am doing a writing that is just trying to flow out of me, one piece falls on another and soon you have a landslide of ideas and if you do free flow writing then you soon have something that is concrete, or you have a lot of much and commas. But the point is to keep it moving, keep the words falling from your brain like a rain cloud of a city and it has been raining today in my city of Seattle and all the smells have been released from the earth it is quite glorious. It smells fresh and new and springly and actually we are getting onto summer which means that I turn 26 which is such a grownup age to be but I don’t feel it yet. I still feel like a child that is hiding in this adult body, and the crazy part is when I have children at my work call me teacher and I want to say “who?” but then I realize that I have that authority and it is scary and thrilling. 
Dominos. Such a lovely word I like how I can wrap my lips around it's shape and the sound of them sliding and falling against each, with clicks and taps is so appealing to the senses. Sound is something that I find very important to me, to be able to hear voices, and music filters into my body through my ears, and the vibrations start my soul going. writing is good for my soul and this I know and I shall go, and mow the long grasses of my mind and plant wild flowers in there and let them thrive and grow above the weeds of discontent and that voice of the Imposter who is a nay sayer, and probably a neigh sayer to, the dark horse with the long face who wants to keep me in my stall and not running free. 
And that is the end of all that silly.


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