April 12th: Stone and Foundation

Stone and Foundation

I am of the green grass in Baltane time
I am of the stars in the sharp cold of Imbolc
I am the dream of flowers in Ostara's hour
waiting, warming seeds, eyes blinking open
I am the-forever-becoming
a spinning whirling snake eating it's own tail
creating from destruction

Rock of fire, rock of time
shapes of whirling early mind
contort the fabric of earth all'round
in this sacred circle found
only silence, stilled the birds
sunlight slant and shadow words
on this center stone are heard
whispers distant that will be learned

I found you on a somber stroll
I found you though I did not seek you, no
I found you like a treasure lost
and here I sit, student, upon the moss

I fought my way here, in mud worn hiking boots
I lost my way here, tripping over roots
no direction, no need, just discovery made
I sought an escape from my homemade mundane

The sky held a storm at bay
charcoal dark, splattering rain
I left my hood off to feel what I may
my heart listening to a brain-made-tirade

Stumble fumble feel and find
smell the earth, the wind a sign
pointing me where I must go
Through the dark, briars pinching at my clothes
I did not set out in the best attire
but I had to leave
escape from the mire

But here is peace, deep stillness from this stone
that I have found, my very own
or I am yours, a fleeting creature pausing
past your weight, carved shapes a-calling

Rock of fire, rock of time
shapes of whirling early mind
hold me in this sacred circle found
cradle me in this ancient mound


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