30 Day Poetry Challenge: Day 5: DAUGHTERS

Day 5: Daughters

This word was taken from my friends book, The Baron Would be Proud by Mike Jack Stoumbos, pg. 161

My Daughters

I collect my thoughts these days
and press them into journals
bend them with wire and found beach glass
store them in boxes

I save these lessons learned
in tissue paper and class bottles
I save these memories for my daughters
to bring out, hold treasured in cupped hands
whisper their stories by dim lamp light and soft blankets

I will pull back my sleeves and show old scars
my stories of love and pain
sing them songs of chances taken
and adventures sought
fairy tales to teach this new generation
that they do not need to be saved
by the prince
nor do they need to do the saving
but rather
are guardians of their own souls
and need only save themselves


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