30 Days of Poetry: Day 14: HER

Day 14: Her

In honor of Beltane, this word was taken from The New Lexicon Webster's Dictionary, pg. 896, found in a paragraph under the word Scotland. Also, wonderfully enough, the Samhain festival I allude to in this poem was in Scotland. Sometimes the Universe just works that way.

Her and Him

The presence of Her
waking up
all around me
sweetens the air and sends
bird song
on the wind

Her footfalls leave dandelion trails
and her breath
I discover
is my breath
deep and settled

May Day, May Day
awaken what has slept!

Handfast the Ying and Yang of my heart
and bring them
not to rest
but into a dance
swirling through my blood and bone
feeding the muscles in my calves
surging through my shoulders and arms
shooting love
from fingertips

Beltane, Beltane!
Make what was seperate

I go not with the seasons;
Joined hands with my lover
overseas at Samhain
In the dark watched
the fire
kiss the rain

I believed in that moment our opposites would find the balancing point
though the proof before me sizzled, steamed, and hissed

Beltane, you saw me dancing alone
my no-more-lover's hands a long way off
the She and Him
of my stardust cells
took what they loved into arms
and began
The Dance


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