30 Days of Poetry: Day 24: TAROT

Day 24: Tarot

Pg. 132 from Elsewhere, Vol 3, from the story The Lady of the House of Love, by Angela Carter

There is something about the Fool
as he wanders off the cliffs edge
wondering and in awe
that draws me in

I find him frequently on my journey

The Empress and Emperor
sit on either side of me
Fire and Water
Earth and Air
they show me my oppposites
and the importance of each

And I've learned from the cards
that reversals
don't always mean ill fortune
just a mirror image of what you percieve

Each of their faces
a facet of my voices
speaking my subconcious truth
through story

They are the ancient ones
walking hand in hand with humanity
since our magnificent brains
deep down
a soul

So here in my pack
I carry them with me
lay out a spread

What do you wish to reknow?


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