Day 12: Recent Accomplishment

As the days go on, I've noticed the quality of my art has decreased. Or rather, it's gotten more cartoony. Something I shall work on for the coming days...reinvigorate the creative juices!

Accomplishments. Most of them have been small ones, day by day, things that I say "I need to do that" and rather than putting it off for MONTHS, I get it done. It feels good. Just getting the small things done. There are a few big ones in there. Something that I've always taken for granted is finishing and passing my classes at the end of the quarter. For 3 years now I've worked my butt off, passed classes, but never let myself fully enjoy the accolades at the end. I just move onto the next thing.

Well, now I'm going to pause, and pat myself on the back.

So, for this Fall Quarter's end, my last Fall Quarter at CWU (and perhaps for the rest of my life) I say I'M DONE! And I did well. I survived the stress, fulfilled my responsibilities, got A's, had fun, and learned about myself.

Ok, now on to the next thing :-)


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