Day 17: Favorite Plant

I refuse to accept it as a weed. I don't like my lawn completely green and nicely clipped, like a Marine's haircut. I like it wild, with long grass and sprouting little burst of joy every which way!

Yes, the dandelion my friends! Its name comes from medieval latin, Dents Lioness, which translates to "tooth of the lion."

True, not the most beautiful of flowers, and it is not coveted by flower enthusiasts or collected or sold for great amounts of money. I'll tell you what though, here is a list of things you can do with a dandelion:

- Make dandelion wine from the flower
- Eat the young leaves in a salad
- Make a crown or necklace
- Wish on the seeds
- Roots can make a non-caffeinated like coffee substitute. 

They are also high in calcium, potassium, vitamin A and C, and they are useful as a diuretic and for treating urinary tract infections. Take that, orchids!

And they are hardy little guys. Between the cracks of humanity's empires they have wedged themselves, and they are not moving. They don't need us.

Maybe I love them because when they go to seed they look remarkably like my hair on a windy day. Maybe I love them because you can string them together and feel like a fairy, or make wishes on them.

But I think the reason why I love them so much is because they are the underdog of the flower world, and in this world that prizes beauty so highly, they are laughing in our lawns. 

I think dandelions get the cosmic joke. :-)


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